- rate a job
- Макаров: тарифицировать
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
job — noun 1 employment ADJECTIVE ▪ decent, good, great, worthwhile ▪ interesting ▪ high powered, top ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Job costing — Job Order Costing versus Process Costing = Job order costing is fundamental to managerial accounting. It differs from Process costing in that the flow of costs is traced by job instead of by process. For instance, think of an assembly line making … Wikipedia
Job satisfaction — describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance … Wikipedia
Job analysis — refers to various methodologies for analyzing the requirements of a job. PurposeThe general purpose of job analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the work performed. Job and task analysis is performed as a preliminary to successive … Wikipedia
JOB, BOOK OF — (named for its hero (Heb. אִיּוֹב), ancient South Arabian and Thamudic yʾb; Old Babylonian Ayyābum, Tell el Amarna tablet, no. 256, line 6, A ia ab; either from yʾb, to bear ill will or compounded of ay where? and ʾab (divine) father ), one of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Job security — is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job; a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming unemployedTrends Affecting Job SecurityTypically, government jobs and … Wikipedia
Job opening rate — Уровень новых вакансий Словарь терминов и сокращений рынка forex, Forex EuroClub … Финансовый словарь
Job Vener — als Gutachter, 1426 Job Vener (* um 1370 in Straßburg; † 9. April 1447 in Speyer) war ein katholischer Priester, gelehrter Jurist und Verfasser von Reformschriften. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
job — 1 vb jobbed, job·bing vi 1: to do odd or occasional pieces of work for hire 2: to carry on the business of a middleman or wholesaler vt 1: to buy and sell (as stock) for profit 2: to hire or let by the j … Law dictionary
Job order contracting — (JOC) is a way for organizations to get numerous, commonly encountered construction projects done quickly and easily through multi year contracts. JOC reduces unnecessary levels of engineering, design, and contract procurement time along with… … Wikipedia
Rate Monotonic Scheduling — (RMS) ist ein Prioritätsscheduling Verfahren für unterbrechbare, periodische Jobs. Es wird häufig in Echtzeit Systemen eingesetzt. Die Prioritäten werden statisch nach der Periodendauer eines Jobs festgelegt: je kürzer die Periodendauer eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia